Tuesday 15 October 2024

One year on….

 Astonishing to think we have been in our house for an entire year now. I’m sure MrEH would not admit to any such thing, but I certainly still find myself wandering round it thinking “how on EARTH do we get to live somewhere like this?!”

Northern lights from the garden - 10-10-24

There have been differences large and small to get used to - a water meter and smart meters for energy (all excellent). Having to deal with things like getting a boiler serviced (long term readers may recall that our flat was all-electric, with a mix of types of storage heaters which only need attention when they go wrong, so central heating is still a novelty!) and even more outlandish, needing a chimney sweep! One of the biggest day to day changes relates back to the change in energy types - having spent the previous 20 years load-shifting to use as much overnight as possible due to our Economy 7 electricity set-up, it still feels extremely odd to notice after tea that the dishwasher is full, and just put it on there and then, or to make good use of a nice sunny Friday by getting all the washing done! 

Washing is another area where the house is such an advantage over the flat too - of course there we did have some outside drying space  by way of a lovely old wooden pulley rack on the balcony - extra useful because it was both under cover and open to the air, so useable at almost all times of year! Here though we have a whole whirligig line to fill - meaning I can do several washes on a “good drying day” and get the whole lot dry and ready to put away by that same evening. It also of course reduces the amount of damp washing hanging around the house when the weather is good, although we still have our trusty airer and dehumidifier for periods of less favourable conditions! That also gives an advantage on energy use too - and I’m certainly making less use of the “dryer” part of our washer-dryer. 

It’s tricky to really compare energy use as obviously going from a set-up which had only a teeny amount of gas use (just for the cooker) to one where gas is our primary energy source - providing room heating and hot water.  Also having only had one winter in this house - and a relative warm one at that - it’s been a steep learning curve not only around the best use of the thermostat and radiators, correct settings and timings etc, but also just how the house behaves in terms of heat retention, how fast it warms up etc. 

It will come as no real surprise I imagine that the biggest change of all is having the garden - something which we have wanted for so long, and yet gives us more joy than we could really have even begun to imagine. I’ve documented our efforts and results through the summer in the “in the garden” posts - with one more of those to come for this year I suspect. Small things though - like being able to simply wander outside with my first brew of the morning on a warmer summer weekend and sit in our very own quiet peaceful space. Of course we used to do that on the balcony too, but the garden is different somehow. Knowing that the things we grow, nobody will come along and weed killer them just because they can (that was a spectacular low point of having our outdoor space at the mercy of our local council!) or indeed just dig the up and steal them! (a former neighbour!) Hearing tales from our old neighbours of life in the flats certainly underlines to us what a good move we made, too. 

Possibly the final small joy is the simple thing of being just slightly further along the road from where we were before. We now occasionally head out when MrEH finishes work on a Friday evening to pop to one of our local pubs - not impossible before, but the 10 minute longer walk certainly made it a less attractive option. Being just that fraction over to the station as well for trips out and about.  Of course the flip side of that is being a little further from other things, but handily the advantages far outweigh the negatives! 
