Monday 22 June 2020

Day 91...

Another day where I haven’t taken any photos - so having had some appreciative comments about the one above elsewhere on socials I thought I’d share it here also. Scott’s Sufference Wharf on the right, Shuters & St George’s Wharves on the left, taken as we were heading back to the car on Thursday. The name of the wharf on the right grabbed attention to start with and we went for a better look and saw this view - the view down to the river caught my eye, then the texture of the mud...I grabbed a shot with the iPhone because I suspected mutiny from MrEH had I decided to get the DSLR out again...when I remembered the shot and looked at it again yesterday I instantly knew it had to be a black & white (or technically monochrome as it’s not *quite* black) conversion, the timeless quality of the photograph just demanded it.

Today has been a day of first, movement - our usual walk first thing, then I ran afterwards, and followed up with LOTS of stretching. Some planning - mapping out my week ahead in my journal, including a meal plan. A chat on the phone with a friend, general pottering and enjoying having the time to devote to jobs which might in other circumstances have been rushed through. Some cooking later on this afternoon - cottage pie mix made, the mince bulked out with red lentils and mushrooms to give an additional portion for the freezer - the first half will get eaten tomorrow evening.

I’m beginning to hopefully see a proper return of my running mojo I think. At the moment I am sticking with 2-phase runs - the first half being prompted by the commands from the Couch to 5k programme, and the second half running intervals of 0.1 mile, followed with 0.05 of a mile walking. It’s giving a relatively slow overall pace but that will improve as time moves on and I can first alter the C25K prompts to mean more running, less walking, and then increase the distance on my intervals afterwards. Already today that second half felt more comfortable, several times I either ran on past the distance or chose to run further - a good feeling. My 5k time is still slower than I know I am capable of at the moment - a bit over 33 minutes today - but I know that if I put the work in, the pace will come back. So for now it’s a couple of runs a week following that structure, some sessions of strength work, and plenty of stretching, water and sleep - all the good stuff.

And now - enjoying the last of the day outside on the balcony. The point in the year has come where we often quite happily sit out well into the evening, enjoying the warmer temperatures and the increased daylight. A lovely, relaxing way to end a day...


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