Friday, 10 February 2012

For Today...

With thanks to

Outside my window... There is darkness, and snow...

 I am thinking...  About a good friend who has just texted me - hopefully her luck is about to change for the better

 I am thankful... To be indoors, and cosy and warm

In the kitchen... Nothing is cooking - for tonight we have a rare and treaty chinese takeaway!

 I am wearing... Pyjamas, and a warm fleece. It's warm in here, but not THAT warm!

 I am creating... An online album of the photos I took on my walk today.

 I am going... no further than the fridge, to get beer later, as befits a friday night in!

 I am wondering... Whether the snow will thaw overnight - it seems unlikely though...

 I am reading... Anita and Me, By Meera Syal

 I am hoping... for a positive outcome for my friend.

 I am looking forward to... a whole empty weekend stretching out in front of us

 I am learning...More on my project about poverty. It's a fascinating subject.

Around the house...just me, and a lightly snoozing cat

I am pondering...Whether in fact a child not having a birthday party, or a family going without a TV license, can really be considered an indicator of poverty?

A favorite quote for today... “ Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. ” -Dave Barry

 One of my favorite things... The ability to not only get by, but be happy, on very little.

 A few plans for the rest of the week: Doing pretty much exactly what we feel like!

 A peek into my day...

Rye Meads RSPB Reserve looking fabulous in the snow, earlier today!



Jenni said...

Interesting ponderings on poverty and tv licences/birthday parties. I agree - not having those things doesn't *necessarily* mean poverty, plenty of people choose to go without either. Maybe it's something to do with them being something *most* people have, and you want, but can't afford unless you go without something necessary? Hmm, more pondering required I think

Robyn said...

Definitely more pondering required. You've provoked another interesting question there too - you're right - *most* eople do have a TV license, but does that make it any less of a luxury item, really? In these days when pretty much every household with children has to have at least one computer (it's my understanding that kids actually have to have them these days for homework - how that works with a household where one can't be afforded, goodness knows!) surely a TV license is actually more of a luxury, not more of an essential?! (I'm going to ignore the fact that I've added at least one further question into the equation there, too!)

Fay McKenzie said...

Interesting discussions. We have no tv or licence, due o location if we want tv, it has to be sky, installations of dishes AND a license, I really don't think we can afford that, its not really essential, but it would be nice, but we aren't really poor.

Nice to peek into your world x

Robyn said...

The dish would probably end up on the next island, anyway Fay! xx