Saturday 9 May 2020

Day 47...

The final job of getting the balcony sorted got underway today. I mean, I say the final job, but who knows? For now though, we have busied ourselves with laying decking tiles to make it rather more pleasant underfoot. It’s not quite finished, but already a really inviting place to be. This evening we lit the lanterns for the first time in several years and have really started remembering how much we used to enjoy spending time out there.

Aside from playing about with decking, today has been pretty quiet. Our usual Zoom get together with friends this afternoon, and that is about it really. It’s strange - when the lockdown started we really felt we needed to make use of every moment at weekends - now things feel more relaxed, we’re getting used to having more time I guess. Waiting now also to see what changes in the lockdown will be announced tomorrow - the government have said that they plan to be announcing some measures towards releasing the current restrictions, but the press took that to mean “everyone will be allowed out to play” and it has now been made clear that we should only expect quite small adjustments immediately” social media of course is divided between hose who feel that we should just all get back to normal regardless, and those who are terrified at the very idea. I’m somewhere between the two - looking at the current figures it does feel too soon to be relaxing things to any great extent, but with so many taking the selfish view that they are now bored with being locked down and wanting their normal lives back come what may it’s hard to imagine that any attempt to keep us at home for the majority of the time will succeed for much longer anyway. Right now though it seems quite implausible that we’ll get back to the old normal any time soon at all.


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