Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Day 23...

In spite of having carte blanche to make time for exercise once a day at the moment, I'm struggling with motivation to run. I'm struggling a lot with stiff,  achey joints - not unusual for me but it's worse at the moment than it's been for a while. It's a vicious circle - the less I run the worse my joints get, but the more painful the joints are the harder it is to go and run. Having said that, the view we got on our walk this morning just might be enough to overcome the current issues - exploring a new path in a section of the town we rarely visit we found our way through to the edge of Harlow Common - a stunning view straight out onto open countryside, it just made me want to explore it further!

At the moment I'm mixing it up a bit for exercise - trying to make sure we walk for an hour a day, plus any extra we might do when going shopping. Then in between work (which by necessity is happening in short bursts with gaps between them) I'm trying to do either some strength exercises, or some stretching - the latter being absolutely essential to help with the stiffness and pain - it works, if done consistently.

On a future planning level we have our Hebrides holiday dates planned for 2021 now - still not knowing what we're doing for this year it seems a bit odd to be thinking so far ahead, but it also feels important to know that we have something in place. If we can't take our upcoming trip then we also have a plan in place to move that to the Autumn as well - dates still to be confirmed.

It feels quite refreshing to have written an entire blog post  with only a cursory mention of the lockdown situation - but there is little new news on the subject currently, possible slight signs of things becoming more under control are probably too slim as yet to grasp fully, bit signs of hope regardless. People are starting to talk with sight optimism about a possible end to the lockdown sometime next month - we'll need to wait and see on that though.


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