Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 33...

Saturdays are feeling probably about the oddest day of the week at the moment. Usually we’d have some shopping to do in the morning, then MrEH would get his stuff together and whizz off to the rugby club for the afternoon. I’d sometimes have things to do here, and sometimes go and watch the match, but generally speaking we’d both end up in the bar for drinks in the evening with a few of his team mates as well. If not a rugby weekend, then we might be off with pals at a beer festival somewhere, or attending a planning meeting for the Great British Beer Festival - quite often in a pub, and then featuring a few more pubs in the evening once business has been concluded!  Now we have usually done any shopping that needs doing at quieter times previously in the week. Obviously there is no rugby matches, and no rugby club or pubs open, and indeed, for his year, no GBBF to be planned for either. Beers, and friends, however do remain unchanged as a feature.

Zoom is one platform which until a few weeks ago a fairly large number of us had never even heard of, never mind used. Now it, along with various other live video chat applications is forming a huge part of many people’s social lives. Following on from the get-together we had with our closest  CAMRA friends last weekend to celebrate Marc’s birthday, the suggestion was made that we planned it as a weekly thing while the lockdown continued, and the second of these gatherings was held today. It does feel quite strange chatting with people like this, but after a while you get used to it -  people come and go as needed (one of our number absented himself for a short while to go and feed his sheep, and I vanished for 15 minutes or so to make scones... ) and the conversation flows pretty naturally, as does the banter!

Baking seems to be something else going through a bit of an resurgence currently too - although flour is still incredibly tricky to get hold of. We still have a small amount of self raising, and a spare bag of plain in the cupboard, as well as the bread flour we acquired in the week, so we’ll be OK for a bit yet. This week however I was unable to get eggs, so I needed an egg free recipe to bake, and after several friends talking about making scones, they seemed to hit the spot nicely!


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