Friday, 24 April 2020

Day 32...

Sourdough starter started today - I’ve been wanting to do this for a long while, then never getting around to it for various reasons, so this feels like a good time to finally get around to it. The method in the River Cottage Bread handbook is a simple one using flour and water only so perfect for what we wanted. We will see over the next few days if it behaves as it should. Also found a recipe in there for oatcakes - and learning to make those properly is another thing on my list, so that will be being explored tomorrow.

Talking of exploring, more has been done locally, including a small patch of woodland today which in spite of it backing on to the Rugby Club we had never been in before. At some stage I may have to go back to climb this tree as someone has kindly fitted a ladder...

I have found a local map and we are planning to mark off the roads in the town we have now walked, as far as we can remember them, using highlighters. Some more will be covered by the sculpture trails as we continue with those, and this could well spark an “Every Single Street” type project, at least in our closest areas. We are probably better than most at walking around the town rather than always defaulting to driving, but we’re still finding ourselves surprised by the amount of times we’re finding places we’ve not been previously in the 17 years we’ve lived here.


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